Friday, June 29, 2012

My own diamond jubilee celebration...

So now that my son has finished with his exams, attended prom and has graduated from high school, I was teasingly reminded by my significant other half this week that we can now focus on my own diamond jubiliee - my fiftieth birthday which is still ten months away.  Although it sounds weird that I would even want to ackowledge this birthday, once we bought tickets for a show in Las Vegas for next December, I started thinking that going to Las Vegas would be the beginning of my birthday celebrations.   I have a goal of losing ten pounds by then and have my hair reach the middle of my back by the time of the concert. I figure if I haven't grown my hair that long before in my life, now is the time....So now I'm thinking what else do I need to do to mark this celebration?  I was reminded of this when I received my Nordstroms Fall sale catalogue in the mail, and I thought as I looked at all the new fashions - what is appropriate to wear at this age?  Everything in the catalogue seemed so youth oriented.  I also started thinking about women out there in the public forum.. I would love to take a bit from each of them to become the best I could be..So these were my thoughts this week as I focus on the new milestone several months away.. I look forward to this birthday and all the new ideas, inspirations, goals this year will bring... 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Turning 18

Today I become the mother of an adult as my only child turns 18. Like all mothers I will always regard him as my baby, but for quite some time now he's been changing both physically and mentally into an adult. As I watch him and his girlfriend interact, I come to realize that in the next few years as he makes his way into the world he won't need my support as much as he does with his mate next to him.
My son turning 18 is one of the reasons I called my blog "Restructuring Michele" because I have to change as he becomes an adult. Our duty as parents is to raise our children so that we can eventually let them go to live their lives successfully. Then we become the empty nesters to continue our own lives.
As I watch my son change I become so thrilled for him knowing he has every possibility of the world in front of him, and in a way so do I.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Restructuring = Changing, Updating, Reinventing one's life......

Blogging always intrigued me, but I had to find something I would enjoy continuously writing about before I would commit to one. My goal was to have blog that readers would find enjoyabe enough to keep coming back to. Until last week I had a few passing ideas, but nothing I found too enticing. But last Friday as I drove home after being laid off from my company of the last fifteen years, the idea of this blog popped into my mind and just kept growing. I was now joining thousands of Americans who are unexpectedly faced with restructuring their lives. It's not just the resume that needs updating, I now have to figure out a new schedule for my day. I have to go in and restructure my budget and savings plan. Not only that, but skirts and high heels don't just fit into my daily dress code now, so those closets need updating too.

For some reason I find enoyment in this new adventure I am about to embark on. I truly understand that others in my situation may not feel the same as I, but if I could bring a small but brief smile on a reader's face and cheer them up for a second, than I would be happy.

In the midst of these changes, I am preparing to become an empty nester as my only child leaves for college this Fall. If that's not need for restructure than I don't now what is. In addition as I send my son off to college, I am starting the preparations of moving house from my apartment to living with my boyfriend. We don't have the moving date, but this move calls for me to re-evaluate all I own that I would keep or give away since I am going to an already full furnished home.

So my readers I hope you agree with me on this title for a blog and follow me on this new journey of self-discovery. I promise to blog often and hopefully bring some humor in your day.